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Responding to the Prime Minister’s announcement that the NHS England budget will be increased by an average 3.4% over the next five years.
New research published today reveals almost three quarters of anaesthetic doctors in training who responded to a survey, were not being paid correctly by their hospitals during the run up to the 2017-2018 winter period.
Response to the Home Office announcement that non-EU doctors and nurses are to be excluded from the government's Tier 2 visa cap,
The College, alongside other medical royal colleges and safety-related organisations, has been invited to share its views on how and when the healthcare system should investigate and respond to serious incidents.
Response to Sir Norman Williams’ rapid policy review of gross negligence manslaughter in healthcare,
The College has submitted evidence to the Joint Committee on the Draft Health Service Safety Investigations Bill.
The College, AAGBI, and FICM have launched an initiative to address the impact of fatigue and shift working on doctors and the consequences for wellbeing and patient safety.
The College and AACBI launch the #KnockItOut campaign to tackle bullying.