About the OSCE

The Primary FRCA Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is a summative assessment of a candidate’s clinical and communication skills together with applied technical knowledge of anaesthetic equipment, clinical monitoring and measurement.  The OSCE is taken together with the SOE and is aligned to the stage 1 UK training curriculum. 

The Primary FRCA Structured Oral Examination (SOE) and Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) are delivered in person at the College.  

A successful candidate in the OSCE will have demonstrated the clinical skills and applied technical knowledge required of a competent stage 1 anaesthetic trainee across multiple clinical scenarios.

The OSCE is the only component of the examination where the candidate is tested in a simulated clinical environment including communication with simulated patients. The OSCE complements the Primary SOE and the candidate is required to pass both parts before they can be awarded the Primary FRCA. These components, together with a portfolio of workplace-based assessments are required for a trainee to progress to stage 2 anaesthetic training.

Structure of the Primary OSCE

The Primary FRCA OSCE will comprise up to 16 live exam stations in a circuit.  Candidates must complete each station in succession. 

Before each station, you will read the guidance displayed outside of the cubicle. You will be given one minute to read this guidance after which a bell will sound and you will enter the station. In the station, an examiner may ask questions on a subject or artefact, you may be required to demonstrate a technical skill, the use of a piece of equipment or to interact with a patient, played by an actor. Each station lasts five minutes, after which a bell will sound and you should move to the information point outside the next station. *

*this describes a typical OSCE round, adjustments can be made for candidates with additional needs. 

When there are rest stations in the circuit, you will be seated in the station and be provided ear defenders to wear. The floor leads will indicate to you when it is time to move to the next station. 

You may have a water bottle with you when moving around the circuit but you are not permitted note paper or any other resources or electronic devices. 

How it is marked

Each station is marked out of 20 with the pass mark for each station/question being determined by the examiners before the examination using modified Angoff referencing. The Angoff score for each of the live stations are summed to obtain the pass mark for the whole examination.

Primary OSCE SOE – maximum six attempts – component pass valid for three years
Registered with the GMC or other National Medical Council


  • Currently registered with the College as a UK trainee in Anaesthesia or ACCS or registered with the Faculty as a trainee in ICM, OR
  • An Anaesthetist who is registered with the College in a recognised membership category (not affiliated) (see Related Information) OR
  • Has previously successfully applied for Temporary Examination Eligibility (TEE) AND
Has passed the Primary FRCA MCQ in the last three years

Has been awarded the Initial Assessment of Competence in Anaesthesia or recognised equivalent.

Has not exceeded the number of attempts allowed for each component (six). 

If on their sixth attempt, has submitted an Additional Educational Training form (AET1 form).  (Paragraph 8, Appendix 8 of the Primary and Final FRCA examinations regulations provides full details and a copy of the AET1 form.)

The full eligibility for this exam is listed at Section 6 Paragraph 15 of the Examination Regulations.


All FRCA examinations are conducted in English. Where a candidate’s first language is not English, the College recommends that an applicant’s communication and written skills in English are at least equivalent to the level at which a doctor could successfully pass the PLAB (Professional Linguistics Assessment Board) tests or at a level where they would expect to gain an average score of approximately 7.5/9 across all bands of the IELTS (International English Language Testing System). However we do not require you to provide us with a certificate proving competency in English.

Primary OSCE/SOE Examinations Calendar; 2024-2025

Application opening date

12 August 2024

Monday, 14 October 2024

Monday, 3 February 2025

Application closing date

26 September 2024

12 December 

Wednesday 19th March 2025

Examination date
(week commencing)

4 November 2024
Monday, 27 January 
Monday, 12 May 2025

Examination fees






The online application process will be open for each exam from 0900 on the exam opening date to 1700 on the exam closing date (see dates and fees in the section above).  Applications are not accepted outside the application window. We do not confirm examination places until after the booking window has closed.  


Where exams are oversubscribed, we will apply our policy for the Prioritisation of Applications. Please read our prioritisation policy before booking your exam.   

Reasonable adjustments

Any applicant who has a physical or mental disability or ongoing or fluctuating medical condition may be entitled to reasonable adjustments. To apply for reasonable adjustments, please complete the relevant section on the online examination application form. Applicants requiring reasonable adjustments should book as early as possible to ensure that there is sufficient time to put in place any specific requirements. 

For applications to examinations running in 2025, the process for applying for reasonable adjustments has changed. For these exams, please complete the Reasonable Adjustment form within the specified window for requesting an adjustment stated on the Examinations Calendar

For more information, please refer to the Reasonable Adjustment policy.


If withdrawing an application for an examination before the closing date, you will be refunded the full amount of the fee paid, providing the withdrawal request is within 14 days of booking the exam.

If greater than 14 days or after the booking window has closed, the refund is subject to an administration fee. 

If withdrawing within 7 working days of an exam date, you will not be automatically entitled to any refund of fee. This rule also applies to candidates who do not appear for an exam on the exam day. If you have a valid reason for withdrawing or not attending, such as ill health or bereavement, then please contact us to discuss the potential of a refund or partial refund. This does not include non-issue of entry visas (with the exception of those described in Section 9, Special Arrangements),

Fees/exam places cannot be deferred from one exam to another and candidates must prove their eligibility for each exam sitting they apply for.

Tax deductibility

The College and faculties are aware that trainees who sit examinations as part of a training programme can claim tax relief on their exam fees. Whilst in a training programme trainees can also claim tax relief on membership fees.  Please visit HMRC for further information on how to claim. 

Results from the Primary OSCE/SOE in November 2024 will be released by email by 5pm on Tuesday, 26 November 2024. 

No results will be given or confirmed by telephone.


All candidates who pass or fail FRCA exams will receive the same feedback, which will be sent out with  the result letters.

A full list of the type of feedback provided for each exam component is set out in the Primary and Final FRCA examinations regulations - feedback policy.

Guidance interviews

A guidance interview is an informal meeting between a candidate who has failed an exam component and an examiner, to discuss exam performance and areas for improvement. They are intended to give insight to a candidate and aid them in passing an exam. 

There are no mandatory requirements for candidates to attend Guidance Interviews up to the fifth attempt for each component.  However before the sixth attempt of any exam component, candidates must attend a Guidance Interview.

A candidate who has failed any of the following components more than once may request a guidance interview.  Guidance is limited to one per examination component.

Please note that no special consideration will be given in respect of refunds following guidance interviews.

A guidance interview is not an opportunity to challenge an exam result. 

Interviews are arranged locally wherever possible although interviews can be arranged virtually if local trainers and examiners are not available. To arrange a guidance interview, please contact the exams office,

For a more detailed look at each individual station please visit Primary OSCE Video Resources.