2021 Curriculum learning syllabus: stage 3
Stage learning outcome
- Able to initiate complex pain management for in-patients and to sign-post to appropriate pain management services
Key capabilities A to C
A |
Applies knowledge and understanding of assessment and management of pain in a multiprofessional context |
B |
Demonstrates safe effective pharmacological management of acute and procedure pain in all age groups |
C |
Acts as an effective member of the inpatient pain team |
Examples of evidence
- SLEs throughout stage of training across range of surgical specialties and from specialist pain clinics; for example:
- managing and planning analgesia for patients with chronic pain who present for surgery
- leading an inpatient acute pain round
- recognition of comorbidities and adjustment of pain medications accordingly.
paediatric pain experience: paediatric acute pain rounds, paediatric pain reviews in recovery
Personal activities and reflections:
- attendance at pain clinic, multidisciplinary pain meetings
- development of an individual pain management care plan in pre-operative assessment clinic.
Suggested supervision level
- 4 - should be able to manage independently with no supervisor involvement (although should inform consultant supervisor as appropriate to local protocols).
Cross links with other domains and capabilities
- Team Working
- Perioperative Medicine and Health Promotion
- General Anaesthesia
- Regional Anaesthesia
- Intensive Care
Key capabilities D & E
D |
Effectively engages with multi-disciplinary primary and secondary pain services and palliative care when necessary |
E |
Recognises the need for and complications of interventional pain procedures |
Examples of evidence
- SLEs throughout stage of training across range of surgical specialties, acute pain ward rounds and from specialist pain clinics; for example:
- recognition of end-of-life care and adjustments to pain medication accordingly
- managing and planning analgesia for patients with acute on chronic pain
- assessing patients with chronic pain.
Personal activities and reflections:
- experience of management of pain in the terminal care setting
- attendance at pain intervention lists.
Suggested supervision level
- not applicable.
Cross links with other domains and capabilities
- Team Working
- Perioperative Medicine and Health Promotion
- General Anaesthesia
Key capability F
F |
Prescribes appropriately in the perioperative period and recognises the long term implications of not reviewing patient analgesia in the post–operative period following discharge |
Examples of evidence
- SLEs throughout stage of training across range of surgical specialties, acute pain ward rounds, and from specialist pain clinics; for example:
- managing and planning analgesia for discharge.
Personal activities and reflections:
- identification and management of complications from patient controlled analgesia, neuraxial techniques and continuous regional techniques.
Suggested supervision level
- 4 - should be able to manage independently with no supervisor involvement (although should inform consultant supervisor as appropriate to local protocols).
Cross links with other domains and capabilities
- Perioperative Medicine and Health Promotion
- General anaesthesia
- Regional anaesthesia
Key capability G
G |
Plans the perioperative management of patients for surgery who are taking high dose opioids and other drugs of potential addiction |
Examples of evidence
- SLEs throughout stage of training across range of surgical specialties, acute pain ward rounds, and from specialist pain clinics; for example:
- management of the intra-venous drug user who presents for surgery
- managing and planning analgesia for patients with chronic pain who present for surgery.
Suggested supervision level
- 4 - should be able to manage independently with no supervisor involvement (although should inform consultant supervisor as appropriate to local protocols).
Cross links with other domains and capabilities
- Perioperative Medicine and Health Promotion
- General Anaesthesia
- Regional Anaesthesia