Dr Abrie Theron is Clinical Director at the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. He’s a member of RCoA Council and is passionate about perioperative care. Here, he reflects on how Cardiff managed the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dr Andrew Hartle was the first out gay President of the Association of Anaesthetists, and co-opted member of the RCoA Council. Here, he writes about his experiences co-chairing his Trust’s LGBTQ+ network, its challenges and his hopes for the future.
Professor Neil Mortensen is President of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. He writes about how anaesthetists are needed to tackle the unprecedented backlog in elective surgery.
To celebrate Pride month, Iain Smart continues his series on LGBTQ+ history by looking at London’s gay bars.
At the start of the COVID pandemic, Dr Alister Seaton was an ST6 completing his higher training at King’s College Hospital, a large teaching hospital in South-East London.
Dr Amy Hobbs with Dr Gemma Phillips write about their experiences as part of the College working group which developed a ‘Returning to Work in Anaesthesia’ online course.
Pauline Elliott is the new Chair of the College’s Lay Committee. Here, she outlines its responsibilities to her good friend Joe.
Claire Swarbrick is National Trainee Lead for SNAP 3. She describes her career ambitions, how she balances her research work alongside busy family life and the importance of bringing more women into the field.
Dr Kirstin May marks one month since the introduction of the new SAS contract in England and Wales.