Second RCoA COVID-19 Membership Survey
We are grateful to those of you who were able to spare their time to complete our first COVID-19 membership survey back in April. Your responses and the vital data you provided are enabling us to have meaningful conversations with key national and local decision-makers about the priority issues that matter most to you.
Your voice remains critical in helping us to represent your concerns with policymakers and we feel it’s important that we repeat the survey, so that we can continue our advocacy work on your behalf and that of the specialty during what remains a challenging and dynamic situation.
Today all College members will receive an email with a link to a short survey to help us develop a second 24 hours ‘view from the frontline’ during COVID-19.
We would again be very grateful if members can spare just a few minutes to offer their perspectives on the issues that matter. Please note that the survey will close at 14:00 on Thursday 14 May.
We thank all our members for their efforts, dedication and commitment in these unprecedented circumstances, and are aware of the intense pressure under which they are all delivering the best possible care for their patients. The College will do everything it can to support its members and to ensure that they have the resources they need to care for their patients, colleagues and themselves.