Recruitment to RCoA SAS Committee

Published: 30/04/2021

We are seeking up to four enthusiastic and self-motivated SAS or LED (Locally Employed Doctor) anaesthetists to join the College SAS Committee. We aim for representation from all four nations and would like the committee to reflect the diversity within the SAS/LED workforce. There are two elected SAS Council members, Dr Lucy Williams and Dr Ashwini Keshkamat.

There are two SAS committee meetings a year, likely to continue with at least one virtual meeting and hopefully one in person meeting in London. Successful candidates will have the opportunity to represent the SAS workforce on other College committees, according to their interests. Meetings will vary in frequency, but most are between two and four meetings a year with virtual working for at least half.

Other work between meetings is conducted via email and you would be expected to actively engage in this.

It should be noted that RCoA is not normally involved in contractual discussions except where it relates to wellbeing. The focus of SAS Committee work is around support for this important section of the anaesthetic workforce. Workstreams for the next 12–24 months include raising the profile of SAS anaesthetists with a joint launch of ‘SAS Stories’ with the Association of Anaesthetists and contributing to wider College work on equality, diversity and inclusion.

If you would like to be considered for a position on the SAS Committee, please send a brief outline of your career so far and how you would be able to contribute (max 300 words) to You must be in good standing with the College. All applications will be anonymised and assessed by the current committee members.