Getting more from NELA data

If you are a NELA lead, a trainee undertaking QIPs using NELA data, currently working clinically on emergency laparotomy patient pathways, or audit/improvement teams, then this hour-long webinar will be of specific interest to you. 

Our expert speakers will guide you through the NELA data access functions, including new displays for sepsis and automated hospital metrics poster generation. You will find out about EWMA charts and NELA real-time mortality monitoring and the tools available to aid morbidity and mortality and governance meetings. The process for accessing national NELA data for research purposes will also be covered.


  • Dr Carolyn Johnston - NELA QI Lead
  • Miss Sonia Lockwood - Outgoing NELA Surgical and Research Lead, Director of Emergency Surgery for the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland (ASGBI)
  • Dr Peter Martin - Lecturer in Applied Statistics, University College London

Please visit the National Emergency Laparotomy Audit (NELA) website for further information. 

This webinar was recorded on 22 March 2021.