Dr Helen Mabel Bower Alcock

Personal Details 

Dr Helen Mabel Bower Alcock FFARCS MRCS LRCP DA

01/04/1904 to 28/10/1983

Place of birth: Camberwell, London

Nationality: British

CRN: 715329

Also known as: Nee Dalton (married 1926)

Education and qualifications

General education

Cheltenham Ladies College; King’s College Hospital Medical School

Primary medical qualification(s)


Initial Fellowship and type

FFARCS by Election

Year of Fellowship


Other qualification(s)

DA(RCP&S), 1942

Professional life and career

Postgraduate career

Her earliest recorded post was as junior house anaesthetist at King’s College Hospital, but in 1936 she was working in venereal & women’s diseases clinics, returning to anaesthesia at Soho Hospital for Women in 1942 after a period as clinical assistant in the Nuffield Department, Oxford. She also worked in other London hospitals, but by 1950 was a consultant at Moorfields, a post she held until retirement in 1969.

Professional interests and activities

No obituary has been traced to provide information, but she did publish on anaesthesia for ophthalmology.

Other biographical information

Married F Bower Alcock, a barrister, but did not start her undergraduate medical course until a year later. She gave birth to a son, Hugh, in 1943.

Author and Sources

Author: Prof Tony Wildsmith

Sources and any other comments: Ancestry.co.uk | Medical Registers and Directories | King’s College London Archives