Mr Tim Golbourn

Mr Tim Golbourn
Lay Trustee


Mr Golbourn is a qualified accountant by background and currently works as an independent consultant having retired from board-level executive roles. He brings with him a wealth of experience in financial leadership and governance, having previously worked in senior leadership roles for medical organisations, membership organisations and charities, including the NHS, Royal College of Physicians and the Royal College of Nursing. 

Alongside his finance roles, Tim has held board-level responsibility for organisational governance and operational areas, including estates, IT, commercial activities and membership. 

Tim’s skills will be particularly valuable to the financial stewardship of the College, which is essential to the ongoing fulfilment of our charitable objectives and delivery of our Financial Recovery Plan. 

In addition to his executive roles, Tim has held Trustee and Treasurer roles, including for HQIP (Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership) and other health-related charities. 

He was appointed to the RCoA from July 2024 as a Lay Trustee with a particular interest in finance and estates.  

Register of Interests 

None declared